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  • 2019-08-20

    What is the relationship between illumination and health? The human body has its own biological clock. For thousands of years, people have been living in the way of sunrise and sunset, but the emergence of artificial light has greatly delayed the time of sunset and sunset. First of all, light affect

  • 2019-08-20

    Different colors of warm light source to enhance multi-level lighting in living roomThe most eye-catching light source in the living room is the non-central Pendant lamp. As the main lighting source, the living room traditionally uses the warm lamp source with high color and temperature to create a

  • 2019-08-20

    Netizens: Gxk1. Most of today's "smart home" is at most "control home"!Netizens: Helo WeiBecause many people go out to turn off the switch, such as my mom ___________.Netizens: Liu MengNot even a room, but smart home...Netizens: Huang XianhongThe target user of smart home is geek youth with roomHow

  • 2019-08-20

    Due to the huge market potential, LED related industry applications are rapidly expanding from general lighting to almost all areas. Unlike general lighting, lighting applications in some special fields are also getting more and more attention, and the market prospects are becoming more and more pro

  • 2019-08-20

    Generally speaking, LED light source can be divided into two categories: single LED diode light source or LED diode light source with resistance. In application, sometimes LED light source is designed as a module containing DC-DC converter, so complex modules are not discussed in this article.If the

  • 2019-08-20

    Why do seemingly innocent lights become intimate enemies in people's lives on weekdays? Op Lighting believes that all we know is the basic role of lighting, that is, light passes through the visual system to enter the image of the object into the eyes; however, light also affects the non-visual syst

  • 2019-08-20

    All kinds of capital compete to enter the LED industry, the LED industry may enter the peak period of enterprise mergers and acquisitions. Although the power shortage can produce good results for LED market sales, at the same time, the severe power supply situation may affect the normal production o

  • 2019-08-20

    As early as September this year, the relevant institutions have carried out research on Rhine Sports, Birds of honor, Double Elephant Stock and other sports industry stocks, focusing on the development status and future planning of the company's sports industry.In fact, not only investment instituti

  • 2019-08-20

    During this period, reporters in Zhejiang some enterprises to investigate industrial transformation and upgrading. Some enterprises producing LED lighting reflect that in recent years, due to fierce competition and excessive capacity, the days of enterprises are getting worse and worse.

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