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You are here: Home » News » High-end market for LED applications

High-end market for LED applications

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-20      Origin: Site

Due to the huge market potential, LED related industry applications are rapidly expanding from general lighting to almost all areas. Unlike general lighting, lighting applications in some special fields are also getting more and more attention, and the market prospects are becoming more and more promising. These applications rely on special LED light sources.

Xiong Daxi said that the special LED light source is a kind of LED light source which seeks to emit more light in a small luminous area. It requires a single module to have high electric power and power density, and its intensity is similar to that of a laser. Special LED light source technology started around 2000 and developed very slowly. Domestic companies have almost no production. Overseas, only Osram and Lanminas, two high-tech start-up companies, can provide it.

The reason is that there was a lack of large-scale vertical structure LED chips in China at that time. At the same time, special packaging technology, heat dissipation technology, optical design and integration technology failed.

Beginning in 2009, in order to break through the monopoly of foreign manufacturers in this field, Xiong Daxi led a team with strong support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou City and high-tech zones, focusing on the research and development and industrialization of special LED light sources, focusing on the research and development of ultra-high-power LED light source design and manufacturing technology, and creating new paths. Major breakthroughs have been made.

The research team has established technological advantages, and jointly with Suzhou Medical Science Shikai Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out industrialization work and provide solutions for ultra-bright high light density LED chip light source.

Xiong Daxi said: "We have developed special LED technology, focusing on the high-end and special market of LED applications, using different technology routes, resulting in a series of innovative technologies and core patents, breaking the monopoly of foreign products, helping our country to lead the foreign countries in the emerging sub-areas and enhance the core competitiveness of manufacturing industry."

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