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You are here: Home » News » Emerging industries such as LED are facing the crisis of "leftover women"

Emerging industries such as LED are facing the crisis of "leftover women"

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-20      Origin: Site

During this period, reporters in Zhejiang some enterprises to investigate industrial transformation and upgrading. Some enterprises producing LED lighting reflect that in recent years, due to fierce competition and excessive capacity, the days of enterprises are getting worse and worse. Hearing this, I am quite confused. In the eyes of the people, LED is a strategic emerging industry of "Bai Fu Mei" and "Gao Da Shang". Many families in China have not yet had time to "taste fresh". How can they "not see the fragrance and become a"leftover girl"?

LED is called the fourth generation light source. Compared with traditional light source, it has incomparable advantages. But a survey of data, it is surprising that as early as 2013, there were claims of excess capacity in the LED industry, and LED lighting has entered a period of rapid growth in China, not a few years ago.

Associated with similar encounters with "leftover women crisis", there is also the photovoltaic industry. China's photovoltaic industry has experienced great development after the world financial crisis. Many places support photovoltaic as a new strategic industry, and a large number of enterprises have invested heavily. But within two years, there will be a serious "overcapacity". Some leading enterprises will go bankrupt, while many enterprises and capital that enter behind have invested money and built factories. There will be no turning back arrows in the opening of the bow, resulting in heavy losses in the end.

In reality, the domestic market potential of LED lamps in China is huge. Whether it is the new purchasers, the stock of household use, or the use of light sources in public places, there is a need for renewal of lamps and lanterns. The shortage of traditional energy reserves also makes the market of photovoltaic and other emerging energy broad.

The reason for the "premature decline" of emerging industries is the neglected result of the "supply-side" reform. For the development of emerging industries, it is right to protect the enthusiasm of production enterprises at first, but later, we can not blindly encourage production and ignore the consumer market. Especially in the past, some industrial policies, such as supporting production, supporting technology and supporting supply, often neglected demand, resulting in a serious imbalance between supply and demand in the market.

For example, LED, many places subsidize production enterprises, but there is no subsidies to encourage consumers to buy and use. And when Europe and the United States promote the use of energy-saving lamps, consumers are subsidized, because the expansion of the consumer market, transmission, the same will promote production.

To increase the "supply-side" reform of innovation, we should not simply choose to list several industries as emerging strategic industries to support, but encourage more innovation and the application of new technologies. For example, Internet technology, all walks of life can be carried out through the "Internet +" way of reform, including those labor-intensive industries can also significantly improve productivity. We should innovate the mode of production and change the relationship between supply and demand so as to improve our international competitiveness. Only by keeping the supply-side reform up with the actual needs of consumers can the traditional industries be rejuvenated and the emerging industries not decline before they grow old.

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