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You are here: Home » News » Overview of Sports Industry Development Is It a New Venture for LED Enterprises

Overview of Sports Industry Development Is It a New Venture for LED Enterprises

Views: 9     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-20      Origin: Site

As early as September this year, the relevant institutions have carried out research on Rhine Sports, Birds of honor, Double Elephant Stock and other sports industry stocks, focusing on the development status and future planning of the company's sports industry.

In fact, not only investment institutions, industry leaders have already entered the sports industry. On February 10 this year, Wanda announced that it would take the lead of three well-known institutions and management of Yingfang Sports Media Group in Switzerland to acquire a 100% stake in Yingfang Sports Media Group in Switzerland. In early September, Alibaba Group announced the establishment of Alibaba Sports, formally and comprehensively layout the sports industry. Le Video Sports has invested heavily in the copyright of sports events, realizing live broadcasting of an average of 4000 events per year...

Sports industry is not a new industry in China. In 1949, just after the birth of New China, the National Sports Federation of China was established, and the National Sports Committee was established in 1952. Since then, sports committees at all levels have also been established. Sports institutions have been established in the education sector, the Communist Youth League, trade unions and the army. However, it is this kind of government-run atmosphere and multi-headed administrative structure that has led to the stagnation of the market value and commercial development of the entire sports industry in China.

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