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Look at Netizens'Alternative Comments on Intelligent Lighting

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-20      Origin: Site

Netizens: Gxk

1. Most of today's "smart home" is at most "control home"!

Netizens: Helo Wei

Because many people go out to turn off the switch, such as my mom ___________.

Netizens: Liu Meng

Not even a room, but smart home...

Netizens: Huang Xianhong

The target user of smart home is geek youth with room

How many people can there be in this group?

Net friend: Lu Chao

Technical level is not enough!

Artificial intelligence has not developed enough!

Netizens: Bao Mimi

Every day when I lay in bed, I watched the fucking floor sweeping robot rush in and silently removed my slippers. Then I heard it jammed the carpet, the shoelaces, the chassis of the stereo, and the cry of expectation. Then I carried it to the bed, the balcony and the bathroom.

I think it's more appropriate for this child to be called an intellectual disability home.

But when I see it running around the room, I don't want my virtuous, industrious and amiable wife, where can I get another beauty feeling when sweeping the floor?

Netizens: Yu Gongjin

In the industry to say, because the product itself is not intelligent, even on the basis of the original use of complex.

Another point is that when we propagandize too hard, the "interconnected home" has been blown into "smart home" so that I want to vomit every day when I hear intelligence, and the circle of friends wants to shield when they see intelligence.

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